Are You Interested In Making Serious Money? Experienced Pool Route Sales.

Over 20 years ago I took the greatest gamble of my life. After graduating with an MBA in Marketing from Azusa Pacific University, and a 13 year career in banking, I searched for the perfect business to buy. In 2002, Dave Andres bought his first pool route and grew it to one of Northern California’s largest pool service in the Central Valley. As a licensed real estate broker, Dave began selling pool routes in 2006 and is an expert in showing others how to buy, sell, create and build pool service routes.

The Route Buying Process in 7 Steps

7 Steps To Convert Your Accounts Into Cash

Thinking about Selling A Route?

30 mins|Free

Have a question about how to sell your route?  Dave offers expert advice on how to sell your existing pool route. Schedule a Zoom session TODAY!